How To Break Free From A Limiting Mindset ?

In today’s article, we will discuss limiting beliefs. These are not beliefs in the religious sense of the word, but beliefs that limit our sense of self, what we think we deserve and what we do. It is they that stand in the way of our success.
A limiting belief is something that we believe about ourselves, which prevents us from being, doing and having what we really want. Most of the time, we do not even know they are there, which is how their control over us escapes our notice.
Becoming aware of them and breaking free often presents a serious challenge. Socrates asked of his disciples to scrutinize their inner minds to break free from their inner prison, which would help them reach their full potential and to succeed in life.
Our self-limiting beliefs usually take root in childhood. Unlike adults, children lack critical thinking skills, confidence, experience. At that age, we simply do not know enough to decide whether something is good for us.
During early childhood, we rely on these limiting beliefs to guide and protect is. We see them as useful tools. The problem is that as we mature – gain the experience and resources that help ensure our safety – these beliefs gradually start to limit us. They become a gilded cage.
When people come up against the same set of problems time and again because unbeknownst to themselves, they are guided by these outdated beliefs, many turn to personal coaching.
About 90-95% of our activity is managed by our subconscious. Can you imagine how much power these beliefs have over us?
When you find yourself being unable to achieve what you want, it is important to ask yourself “what do I believe about this particular situation?” For example, if your business is not taking off and you believe that making good money makes you a bad person, it is follows that this is what hinders your professional success.
We can acquire limiting beliefs in three different ways:
- Through Children watch people closest to them (parents, siblings, classmates, friends…) and model their behavior after their example.
- Because we heard something.
- Through experience.
Once you have asked yourself the question above, determine how believing that thing makes you feel. Usually this brings up a negative response, because such beliefs generate unpleasant emotions.
Finally, ask yourself this question: “What do I have to believe about this situation to make myself feel better about it?”. So, when the same problem comes up again, you will be able to turn it around by switching out your old limiting belief for a new, more positive one.
I am a Brussels-based certified life coach here to advise and help clients, especially business owners and managers, in both personal and professional matters.
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