How To Be a Better Communicator ?

You will come away from this article with 5 tips on how to impress and influence others, which will open countless doors for you.
Let me begin by saying that to influence does not necessarily mean to manipulate. Influence implies a win-win scenario, where you do something that benefits everyone, and not just you. Manipulation serves no one but yourself. It all depends on the context and the goal.
The first key element is enthusiasm. As simple as it sounds, it is a very powerful tool. When people see your enthusiasm, they want to follow you, to listen to you, to join you. Enthusiasm is an extremely powerful energy. It makes you shine, and it will help you to create, to overcome challenges and especially to attract people and opportunities. So be an enthusiastic person!
Make sure your focus is on others and not yourself. Have you ever had a conversation with a person who only talks about themselves and shows no interest in you? Turn that “I” into a “you”. You must pay attention to others for them to do the same for you. You have to be interested before you can be interesting. Ask questions, be the person who cares about others. This will lead you to opportunities you never thought existed. Your questions must also come from a place of sincerity, because as soon as you force things out of personal interest, people will sense it and see through it.
Be a contributor, a giver, a helper. Without necessarily expecting something in return or hoping for reciprocity. Reach out to people, and you will see how your help will be repaid a hundred or even thousandfold. Do not wait for what you have given to come back to you. It often happens that our good deeds find their way back to us through other people.
Use the power of momentum. Act now! Make things happen right away, do not put them off until tomorrow. Procrastination is a disease that will run you down bit by bit. If you have something to do, do it immediately. It will energize you and help you move forward in life. Personal anecdote: when I was finishing my coaching program, my practice was all set up even before I had taken the exam. This allowed me to tap into the energy of the moment, empowering me and helping me get to where I am today. I have the expertise and means to help hundreds of people because I once took immediate action.
Never stop learning. Do not become complacent. Get informed, study. Be that person who is a source of knowledge for others, who is up-to-date, who is aware of new technologies, especially in your line of work. Be that person who makes positive contributions, who enhances people’s lives. This will be a tremendous help to you, and people will want to be around you because you radiate positivity.
I am a Brussels-based certified life coach here to advise and help clients, especially business owners and managers, in both personal and professional matters.
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