How to Improve Your Life ?

Beliefs have the power to build us up as well as destroy us. In this article, I will share 7 beliefs that could help you find your inner freedom.
Because that is where our path to freedom starts, within ourselves.
Most people let themselves be guided by their emotions, their past, their state of mind, the circumstances of their life. And just as often, we “mask” ourselves. We each have a collection of such “masks” that we draw from to help us blend in depending on the situation.
As we endure life’s trials, we think of them as either blessings or misfortunes. Plenty of people find themselves in horrible and inhuman situations, and once they overcome these hardships, they share their experiences with others through writing, lectures…
I urge you to consider that everything happens for a reason. Whatever it is you had to live through, make it something extraordinary, rise above it. Move beyond that experience and make the most of it, for your sake and others.
Some experiences leave us wondering why we had to live through them. For yourself and for others – move on and make the most of the past.
Contrary to popular belief, kindness is not a weakness. Kindness is a fantastic quality to have. If you are a genuinely and deeply kind person, resist the pressure to change. All great leaders are kind.
Naturally, you should not extend kindness in the interest of being rewarded, instead, be kind for the sake of kindness itself, and it shall be returned to you hundredfold.
Kindness is a force, a power. Stay true to yourself and your values, whatever others might think.
Imagine the best for yourself – joy, happiness, love – and these things will find their way into your life. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I can see joy, happiness, success”.
Visualise what you want to fill your life with, as if you were flicking a magic wand. By repeatedly voicing your desires, you will create a neural pathway that will grow stronger every day, the impression it will leave on your brain working somewhat like a map.
The repetition will create an imprint, which will become your second nature, a habit, a belief.
The energy emitted by gratitude is powerful enough to attract more of that for which you are already grateful. I recommend practising gratitude in the mornings. Be grateful that you are living, that you are healthy, that you have a roof over your head.
Be grateful every time you are filled with joy, when you experience peace and serenity. For every little bit of happiness, send thanks and express your gratitude to God, the angels, the law of attraction – whatever you believe in.
The power of gratitude is unimaginable. I suggest that every night, you try to think of 3 things for which you feel grateful.
Whatever the circumstances or your experiences, you decide how you feel. Do not allow your emotions and behaviour to be influenced by your circumstances. Do not let them determine who you are.
Sometimes that will be difficult, but it is about taking control of your experiences. Seek help and heal yourself of your traumas. They can resurface when you least expect it. They are bound to the body, and sometimes when we re-live that pain, they re-emerge. Let go of all this to regain your freedom.
Do not let yourself become a victim of external experiences, become the master of your body, take control of your reactions and behaviours.
Do not mask your true self. Do not change how you act based on who you are with or where you are. By being yourself, you will attract the right people who share your values and vision.
Do not change your behaviour to please someone or to stand out, be yourself. By staying true to who you are, you will attract that which is right for you.
Do not ever let anyone, yourself most of all, tell you that you are not capable of something. Once you set your mind on something, tell yourself you will be able to do it. Empower yourself.
These are the seven beliefs that I think could help you find your freedom. And what is more important than being free?
I am a Brussels-based certified life coach advising and helping clients, especially business owners and managers, in both personal and professional matters.
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